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The Teachings

While the other web pages provide excerpts of the spiritual teachings of the Living Light Philosophy, this page presents classes in their entirety, as well as several sayings and affirmations.


Consciousness Classes


There are 246 Consciousness Classes. These spiritual awareness classes were given by Mr. Goodwin to small groups of students and are in the process of being published in book form as volumes of The Living Light Dialogue. Here are two complete transcriptions of Consciousness Classes.

Consciousness Class 1

Consciousness Class 122


To listen to Consciousness Class 140, use the audio player below.  





Church Lectures


On the first Sunday of the month when during the time that Serenity Church held services, Mr. Goodwin would deliver a Church Lecture.  There are 101 Church Lectures. Here is a transcription of a lecture.


Church Lecture 92


To listen to Church Lecture 92, (see CL 91-92) entitled "Fulfillment", use the audio file player below.




Church Questions and Answers


In 1980, the first of the month lecture evolved into Church Questions and Answers, when questions from the congregation were answered through Mr. Goodwin's mediumship. There are 57 recordings of Church Questions and Answers. Here is an example of this type of class.


Church Questions and Answers 25





The Discourses were the earliest recordings of the teachings of the Living Light philosophy that were given through Mr. Goodwin's mediumship. There are 65 Discourses and all are available in either The Living Light or in The Living Light Dialogue Volume 1. Here is an example of that type of class.


Discourse 39





There are 2 Seminars. These classes are very similar to Discourses, but a bit longer, and were some of the earliest recordings of the teachings. Both Seminars are available in either The Living Light or in The Living Light Dialogue Volume 1. Here is an example of that type of class.

Seminar 1 



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The Internet Archive 

Additional teachings of the Living Light Philosophy are available on the Internet Archive.  




The Sayings of the Living Light Philosophy

Self conscious is the ego clothed in the garment of pride and crowned with the crown of self-pity.



Once I was an apple
And then I was a tree
And when I am an apple tree,
I’ll no longer be just me.


Dreamer, dream a life of beauty before your dream starts dreaming you.




Be grateful when you ask and receive not, for then you are truly receiving.




By their deeds, not their creeds, ye shall know them.




The uneducated ego hears only the echoes of its own unfulfilled desires.




Man can only be affected by that with which he is in rapport.




What of thy heart freely gives,
In God’s love forever lives.




I’m only a witness of time passing on,
A witness of things that have come and gone.
Never the jury or judge will I be,
For I am the witness, the life, and the tree.

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The Total Consideration Affirmation

I am the manifestation of Divine Intelligence. Formless and free. Whole and complete. Peace, Poise, and Power are my birthright.

The Law of Harmony is my thought and guarantees Unity in all my acts and activities, expressing perfect Rhythm and limitless flow throughout my entire being.

Without beginning or ending, eternity is my true awareness and sees the tides of creation, as a captain sees his ship.

As the Light of Truth is sustained by the faculty of Reason, I pause to think and claim my Divine right.

Right Thought. Right Action. Total Consideration.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

             The Healing Prayer

I accept that the Divine Healing Power
Is removing all obstructions
From my mind and body
And is restoring me
To perfect health, wealth, and happiness.
My heart is filled with gratitude
For the Divine Law of Acceptance
That is healing both present and absent ones
Who are in need of help.
Peace, the power that healeth,
Is guiding my thoughts, acts, and deeds
As God and I go hand in hand
Living a life of joyful abundance.


The Divine Abundance Affirmation




(Divine Intelligence)









            The Call of the Soul

Rhythm, Harmony, Balance, Peace

Hold, release. Hold, Release.

Thank you, God. I am at peace.


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             The Controlled Spiritual Environment Affirmation

You are in a controlled spiritual environment of truth and


Where peace and harmony reign supreme.

Be awake, be aware, be alert.

Your purpose of being is freedom from what has been.

Thoughts of self are foreign to this environment.

Take control of your mind and experience the joy of living.


                                                 The Laws Be
Our being is the consciousness, Truth

Holy be the identity

The joy of life

The totality of Acceptance

In mind as it is in heart

Grant us the Light

Our daily sustenance

And forgive us our has-beens

As we forgive those has-beens who tempt to steal our joy

Free us from the romance of self-love

Deliver us from the service to the false king of shadows

For Light is the kingdom

And the power and the glory forever

Peace be, the order of Divinity

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