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The Dictionary of the Living Light Philosophy  

Many words used in the philosophy have a very different meaning than we are accustomed to. This dictionary is provided to help students as well as visitors gain a greater understanding of the spiritual teachings of this philosophy. The definitions that have no citation were first published in the Serenity Sentinel and those with citations are spiritual quotes from that particular spiritual awareness class. 


Acceptance is the Divine Will for without acceptance there is no experience and without experience there is no growth, progression, and no evolution. It is a state of consciousness where freedom flows unobstructed.


Acceptance is the miracle of transformation.


An accident is a lack of understanding the demonstrable effect of natural law.


Adversities in life are attachments waiting to be recognized.


Allsoul - Our soul individualized comes out anew, that means again, in each incarnation. Once we have passed through, for example, this earth planet we leave this physical body. It goes back to the elements of the planet from whence it has been composed. And we express through these other bodies, these astral bodies, mental bodies, spiritual bodies, and in our evolutionary path, return to what is known as the Allsoul, to come out again, to enter another experience in another time.


Annoyance. The mind is annoyed with anything that it has dictated is not in keeping with its own judgment.


Apology is a recognition and acceptance that the vehicle known as mind is not infallible or perfect.


Application is the law through which the light shines, and without application it does not shine. The energy cannot express itself until it is applied.


Application means total expression of the being (all levels of consciousness).


"Application, a soul faculty that is the very instrument through which the Divine Being moves, ever responds to you. In your endeavors in life, through the faculty of application, the energy flows unobstructed. Whatever it is that your interests are in, apply. Application means 'total expression of the being.' Put the totality of your being in your efforts and you will never be concerned with results. But before you can put the totality of being in your efforts, you must become aware of the levels of consciousness within you, that you may assure yourself that the totality of your being---meaning all levels of consciousness---will cooperate, will unite, and then success is absolutely assured." [CC 160]


Aspiration, a soul faculty, is the balance of the divine expression known as desire.


Aspiration: "As the soul aspires, the form perspires. That is the simple, so-called rule of thumb. When you find yourself perspiring from love made manifest, called work, you may be rest assured the aspiration of your soul is in full bloom." [CC 154]


Attachment is the fulfillment of temptation.


Attachment is uncontrolled desire.


Attachment. In our minds, attachment offers us the sense of control over that that we feel attached to. Detachment does not offer us that sense or feeling of control. As long as we permit our mind to rely upon persons, places or things to bring us anything in life that we desire, then we will always have a struggle and difficulty with the principle of detachment. The thing to do is to first become aware of the reliance that our minds have upon persons, places and things, then we will not become so easily attached, and therefore, will not have a struggle with detachment. When we are in detachment, we can feel warmth but not control.


Attachment. When we say we are attached to a person, what, in truth, we are saying is we have controlled and bound, enslaved and ruled another soul, which, in truth, is God’s.


Law of Attention declares that which you place the attention upon, you, in truth, become.


Awareness is represented by the eyes in our physical anatomy. Awareness is not just what we are ourselves receptive to, but true awareness is an awareness of all things. It is the Light itself. It is a soul faculty.


Awareness is the soul of action.

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Beauty is the perfect balance of the soul's expression, which is known as harmony.


Beauty is the "smile of God."


Law of Bondage is the effect of transgressing the Law of Personal Responsibility by giving power and authority over our soul to another individual.


Boredom means there is a lack of interest.


Law of Brotherhood is the Law of Personal Responsibility or the acceptance of the demonstrable truth that we alone are the cause and cure of all of our experiences in life.


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"Care is an expression, through the soul faculties, of this infinite Love, known as God. To love is to be all inclusive, is to be considerate of things our mind may dictate have no value, nor importance." [CC166]


Character is an expression of the inner attributes and qualities of one’s own being.


Character:  "When we speak of character, my friends, we are speaking on a soul level of total consideration. When a man is expressing character or principle, then he---or she---considers all parts of his own personality, which is the sum total of his mental patterns. Character can be summed up as the principle of the soul faculties in expression, and personality as the sum total of mental, addicted patterns." [CC 55]


A sterling character is the most valuable asset of man which is the direct effect of honesty.


Clairsentience means clear sensing and clear feeling.


Clear channel — a person who is free from personality and subconscious colorization of the communication.


Color is sound, and sound is color. There is no difference between the two. They are all vibrations.


Commitment — A commitment to God is freedom from the authority of the brain.


Commitment is when we commit our spirit, our soul, our mind and our body. Then we have made a spiritual commitment.


Compassion is a soul faculty guided by the light of reason and understanding.


Compassion is the effect of wisdom. It is not pity. Pity is the effect of sympathy.


Concentration is the key to all power.


Concern is depression in disguise.


Concern:"When we are concerned about things---which means we are blocking acceptance, which is the foundation stone of understanding---it simply means that we have more faith in ourselves, in our brain, in our computer that we do in an invisible, subtle, divine Power that moves the universes. Now this is what we're truly saying with we say, 'I'm concerned about this and I'm concerned about that.' What we are, in truth, doing---we are elevating the human mind above and beyond the divine, infinite, eternal Intelligence. That, my friends, is what we're really doing when we are concerned and worried about anything." [CC 63]


Conscience is a spiritual sensibility with a dual capacity, knowing right from wrong, which never needs to be told.


"Consideration is the light which guides God's love. Without it, man is blind --- bringing pleasure to one and pain to another, guaranteeing the loss for himself." [Serenity Sentinel June 1978]


Law of Continuity - "It is the Law of Continuity that is the lifeline to the goodness of all experience. Whatever it is you choose to do, do it often. That is how the law becomes firmly established in your life. Don't start and overwork, because if you do in any endeavor, you establish the Law of Judgment, for the motive is not pure. It takes time in your world to sow and it takes time in your world to reap. But I assure you, you will not reap in vain if you have sowed under the light of common sense of continuity." [CC 188]


Courage is the unwavering commitment of the soul to principle.


Creation is a price tag, choose wisely what you buy.


Creation is a mental attitude of mind.


Creation is God’s playpen and only children should play therein.


Creation is the Law of Duality, a Law of Opposites that dictates the positive and the negative in perfect rhythm and in perfect balance.


A cross is a crown to a patient man.


Curiosity is the father of frustration.

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A death wish is an intense desire of the educated conscience to eliminate guilt in order that the soul may be free.


Decision—has the acceptance and total consideration that whatever the results are, they are ever in keeping with the law that the decision itself has originally established.


Decision has the light of reason and common sense. You choose this instead of that and while you are making the choice you consider and totally accept the possibility that you may change that decision. A decision frees you to express God's manifestation known as variety. But unless you have that consideration ant the acceptance of the possibility and the willingness that you are ready to change from whatever decision you have made, you're bound.


Defeat — Presumption is the Law of Defeat.


Defense mechanisms are created by the mind and controlled by what is known as negative faith or fear to protect form — the form of thought, the form of belief, the form of a physical or mental or astral body.


 Delusion — When man takes illusion and uses it for his personal self-gain, it is known as delusion.


Denial means refusing to accept, and when man does that, he is governed and controlled by experiences of this own past (self-will).


Depression is a conscious review of all negative experiences in one's life.


Desire is Divine Expression. Need is man's possession.


Desire is the Divine Expression.


Determination. Man wills many things in his life. If man does not express sufficient courage to put that will into action, then he's not expressing what is known as his determination. All of us have will, but it takes courage to get determination.


Difficulties are the stepping stones to doubt.


Dignity is an expression of self-respect.


Law of Disassociation is to disassociate one's inner being, one's spirit, one's soul from the personality or form of the individual by thinking and doing anything that will take one outside of oneself. By being of service for a greater good, one immediately becomes disassociated from one's personal acts and activities.


Disaster - reveals a lack of the continuity of effort being made in the area of the disaster. 


Discernment, the ability to discern, a soul faculty, is ever dependent upon total consideration. For man to discern, man must use wisdom. To use wisdom, man must first gain understanding. And for man to first gain understanding, he must first demonstrate total consideration for we cannot understand anything that we do not first consider.


Discouragement is a device of the patterns of yesteryear to once again rise up in their authority to control you.


Discouragement is the path to hell; encouragement, the path to heaven.


Discouragement is not a spiritual experience but is in truth a resignation by the human mind that it cannot control what is not within its domain.



Distortion - is the direct effect of an obstruction to a persistent flow.


Divine Grace - In some teachings Divine Grace is called the spiritual bank account. You make deposits into this bank through various thoughts and acts that you do. Whenever you do something that is not directly motivated by an expectation of gain for self, you deposit, in the spiritual bank account, spiritual substance. When you have a great need and you are experiencing the effect of certain causes that have been set into motion by yourself, you may draw upon this so-called spiritual bank account or Divine Grace. It will neutralize the effect of what you have set into motion.

Divine Love is pure understanding.


Divine Love is the expression of Infinite Intelligence in harmonious action.


Divine Right means the right that God has granted to us. It is our Divine Right to experience perfect health, perfect wealth and perfect happiness.


Divine Time — There is no time in space and in truth and so when we speak of Divine Time, what we are doing is releasing it to what is known as Divine Priority. Divine Time would be the fulfillment of the priorities which you and you alone have established inside your own inner mind. Divine Time is under Divine Wisdom and Divine Grace.


Divine Will is the highest state of consciousness possible within ourselves where Divine Will manifests itself and knows beyond the shadow of any doubt what is best for our own soul.


Divine Will is the total acceptance in consciousness of God’s eternal, infinite right to all expression.


Divine Will is total acceptance in consciousness, respecting and accepting the infinite divine right of God to express through all forms of creation.


Divine Will — when you experience will and are freed from judgment.


Divine Will — When we broaden our horizons through an acceptance of a greater authority than the experiences we have already encountered and accepted, then we understand that to be an expression of the Divine Will. The mind does not change until such time as it accepts a different way—something new from what it has already accepted.


Division — The law of division is the law of expression.


Dog — an old symbol of friendship.


Duty is the manifestation of the conscience in action.


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Efficiency, the effect of which is success, carries with it the light of reason and the stability of understanding.


Eighty-first level of consciousness is the essence, the principle, the Divine, or God.


EgoThe ego is the culmination of all tapes.


Educated ego is the awareness at any moment of what is motivating us to any thought, to any act, and to any deed, and being aware of what our true motivation is, we are freed in the eternal moment of now, for we now see our own motives in life which are the causes of the laws that man establishes, and therefore, knowing the cause, knows its effect.


A titanic ego is an atom of rejection.


Elephant — with its trunk up, the elephant is an ancient symbol of spiritual work—work for the light of reason and good for all creation.


Embarrassment is a revelation of attachment to a level of consciousness that we are unwilling to change.


Enthusiasm in God is the effect of encouragement. When you make the little extra effort known as care, you will encourage your soul to make a greater effort and you will experience enthusiasm. When in enthusiasm, all the desire priorities descend into the nothingness at that moment and all the energy that flows through your consciousness is channeled into a oneness known as concentration and concentration is the key to all power. So, when you are enthused, you are indeed in God.


Enthusiasm means to be in God and is the effect of encouragement.


Enthusiasm — When a person is truly enthusiastic, that is an expression of the soul faculties, and the enthusiasm in any endeavor lives through the completion of its original motivation.


Essence — The essence of a thing is its principle.


Evolution — The principle of evolution is that all things, be they physical beings, be they thoughts, or whatever they be, they go out into a so-called world to grow and to be refined only to return to their source.


Experience is not life. Experience is the effect of man's view of the law of life.


Experience — You cannot experience what you are not placing your attention upon. Energy follows attention. All life is energy. All experience is attention.


Exposure means that that is exposed to various forms and the attachments of the human mind is not only irritated but it rises up to defend itself, and that is known as emotional trauma. But the mind does not forget those various forms that we, over the years of directing energy to, they are very unhappy that the light of reason has been cast upon them. And so, they go to work in our little mind to find ways of getting even, for they have been hurt; they have been attacked, and they rise to defend themselves.


Expression — The law of expression is the law of creation.


Expression: "What we mean in this class by expression is 'the application, the application of any thought at any moment in the mind.'" [CC 63]


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Faculties: "Your soul faculties are the very light of the Divine." [CC 160]


Faith is a divine principle. It is a complete conviction not only of the conscious mind but of the subconscious mind, and when the subconscious and the conscious are in total rapport and in harmony on anything, the Divine, moving through the superconscious within us, brings it into manifestation.


Faith is an absolute knowing of things that cannot yet be believed. It is greater than belief. Faith is spiritual and belief is mental.


Faith is the power of the soul over the force of the mind.


Faith is unquestioning belief.


Fascination is the demonstration of the law of greed, which leaves the soul in void.


Fascination is the mind’s way of covering up or cloaking one’s true motive that they may not reveal themselves to their own mind.


Fascination breaks the power of concentration; that is why fascination is bondage.


Fate is restricted exclusively to the realm in which it was created—the mental realm. When we accept whatever experience, we encounter as that being our destiny, or our fate, then we remove ourself from the law of personal responsibility, and we give up our 10 percent free will. We resign ourselves to things the way they are rather than face the possibility that we can change them by making a little effort to change our thought, our attitude, our vibration.


Fear is faith directed to the human ego.


Fear is nothing more than faith directed in a negative way.


Fear is the brain’s control of the soul; faith is the beauty of the soul’s expression.


Fear is the control over the eternal soul exercised by the human mind or self. It is a denial of God.


Fear is the expression of one’s own rejections.


Fear is the fulfillment of desire.


Fear is the fulfillment of the desire of our mind. It is not the fulfillment of the Divine desire, for Divine desire is fulfilled within itself. This experience of fear is the effect of our own mental judgments. We can never fear what we do not judge.


Fear is the revelation of faith in the judgment of the human ego.


"Fear keeps us where we are. Faith puts us where we want to be." [CC 196]


Flirtation is the ego’s need of challenge to tempt another.


Fools are the fathers of fear, and courage the mothers of freedom.


Forces — When in levels of self, man cannot view the impartiality of the Divine law, for man is viewing life through the limitation of his own experiences and is striving to reject the experiences of this infallible law, and in his effort to reject the experiences, he goes into what is known as the emotional forces.


Forces — "'Going through the forces,' to this philosophy, simply means a temporary inability to control various emotional, self-orientated tapes or levels of consciousness." [CC 73]


Forgetfulness reveals that what we forget was pretty low on our priority list in the first place.


Forgiveness is the forgiveness of oneself, to forgive the functions for their transgressions, not to say those functions are somebody else’s.


Forgiveness is a true feeling and an inner humble request of the Divine Intelligence inside you to forgive you for the inability to control a level of consciousness.


Forgiveness is forgiveness of the level of consciousness inside ourselves that through lack of self-control we were unable to stop from leaving our universe.


Forgiving means to give forth that which binds our soul to the laws of duality called creation.


Freedom is control of ignorance and control of error and control of imbalance of our own mind. It is not license to do what we want to do when we want to do it and how we want to do it.


Freedom is the fulfillment of reason.


"Freedom is that which man, in truth, already is. He is able to recognize what he is --- that freedom --- when he demonstrates what is known in your world as self-control." [CC 110]


Freedom — It is an effect of the control of the thoughts and the feelings of our mind. You take control of all thought and your first experience is a great stillness, and from that a peace, from that a freedom. Freedom means not bound. It means without limit.


Freedom — Man can only be affected by that which he identifies with. To be free is to be not affected by things, by creation, by form.


Freedom — The path of freedom: As the soul climbs the steps of justification to attain the lessons necessary for its eternal freedom, it enters the halls of judgment where the payment for desires of the form are weighted on the scales of reason, and the law of retribution is fulfilled in total consideration and acceptance of the true purpose of being.


Free will is a ten percent choice to redirect God’s energy into the eternal moment to make changes in one’s life.


Free will is the right to accept or reject a certain experience or thought.


Friendship means to respect the right of difference. To respect the right of difference, you must accept something different, and to accept something different you must go beyond self, and to go beyond self is to go to God. Whenever you accept anything that is beyond the dictate and judgment of the self, in that moment you have accepted God.


A full head is a broken wallet.


Frustration — a lack of effort on our part to work and fulfill the desires that we have.


Functions and faculties — The functions are the servants of the mind; the faculties, the servants of the soul — the angels of light and the angels of darkness. When they are brought into balance, God flows unobstructed.


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Getting away means wanting to get away from the levels of consciousness and the entities that we have created to defend those levels of consciousness.


Gift — A gift is that which we free from our universe, from our mental thought, recognizing beyond a shadow of any doubt that it has passed through us. It did not come from us, it did pass through us.

Gift of self is the giving of the throne of judgment to the God that brings you all good.


Givingness. A man may be generous for many, many varied motivations, but a man in givingness is in God.


God is the Divine Neutral Intelligent Energy which expresses through all forms.


God is love, life and light. God is truth to do the right.


God is not a doer. God is the principle of the law that is, and when you accept that, you will indeed start upon your path called freedom.


God’s promise is the effect of the law.


God’s promise is the path of acceptance.


Gratitude is a demonstration of the faculty of care and application of the law of appreciation.


Gratitude is a recognition and an acceptance and an expression and respect to something greater than the self.


Gratitude is applied appreciation.


Gratitude, not greed, is the path of joy.


Gratitude. When a person is truly grateful they emanate a rate of vibration that goes out into the universe and brings its kind back. They are expressing their recognition and their acceptance for the service that they have received. Therefore, they guarantee a continuity of that service.


GreedThe function that guarantees the continuity of need is known as greed.


Guilt — Desire is the Divine Expression. To deny that expression is to create what is known to your mind as a frustration, as a guilt.


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Happiness is an attitude of mind, not worldly possessions.


Happiness — The soul faculty of happiness and the spirit of joy is known as total acceptance. Whatever comes and whatever goes, it will not change the sea of serenity on which you sail.


Hate is love distorted by the errors of ignorance, by the varied forms of creation.


Health is harmonious action. The Law of Harmony governs health.


Hearing  — To hear something is to hear it dependent upon your own censorship. (See Listen)


Heart. The expression of the soul is truly through the heart, and the heart is the open door to the Divine Intelligence known as God.


Heel. The heel represents the door to understanding, and one should keep it closed, otherwise it mixes with the understanding of others and man does not know himself.


Hereafter - To most of us, hereafter means some dimension somewhere out in space, not related to the earth, mundane world. But hereafter means exactly what it says — here, after we leave a physical body. For the mind, composed of mental substance, is not subject to the physical laws of this the Earth planet. And so that that is important to us and that that we find filling our minds each day with is what exists in our mental body. And that is the body that we express through when we leave this physical body. It does not change because of the transition from this physical world. It remains the same the moment after that it was the moment before.


Honesty is a principle through which truth and freedom flows.


Honesty is the love of God expressed by man.


Hope is the window in the house of happiness through which shines the light of faith.


Holy Ghost is the essence of life. It is a very clear principle from whence all things do spring. It is the Infinite, Intelligent Spirit.


Humility is a beautiful faculty that views through the law of total acceptance. It is the love of all the universes. And he who awakens his faculty of humility stands in the universe poised before the God of Gods.


Humility is the key which opens the door of consideration that man may enter God’s paradise of peace.


Humor is the salvation of the soul.


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I - The true I is a formless, free spirit. It is known as the I of eternity.


Illness or disease in the physical body is a revelation of a lack of energy properly flowing through that part of the human anatomy. There is an obstruction in that part of the body to the natural harmonious flow of Infinite Intelligent Energy. Whenever you experience an affliction, a so-called disease in any part of your body, through an objective study of the anatomy and what it represents, spiritually and mentally, you can easily determine where the problem lies in consciousness.


Imagination — The process by which a sense function becomes a soul faculty is known as imagination and that is why it is called the doorway to the world of spirit.


Impulsiveness is an expression of a loose tape spinning in our heads.


Individualize is to divide within, or inner division.


Individualized Soul - is the covering of the divine, neutral, formless, free spirit. Being individualized, the soul has form and is governed by the law of creation in higher realms. The law of creation is the law of duality, therefore, the soul has the duality of the positive and the negative.


Ingratitude is complaining and closes the door to supply.


Insanity is the undisciplined mind.


Instinct is an expression of the animal nature of man.


Interior attractions are absolute prophecies of exterior destinies.


Intolerance is a judgment and a denial of the right, the eternal right, of God’s expression.


Intuition is that inner knowing. It is an expression of the spiritual nature of man.


Irritation is a light cast upon the shadows of the human mind, and it is like a searchlight. Nothing in the human mind escapes it. Exposure frees the soul; irritation awakens us.


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Jealousy is uneducated and uncontrolled desire, followed by judgment and a complete denial of personal responsibility.


Jealousy, envy, greed, a triune sense function, is a recognition of the unfilled desires within oneself, and an acceptance of the frailties and weaknesses in the fiber of one's character.


The joy of marriage is the willingness to give.


Joy is the expression of peace.


Joy. The soul faculty of joy does not mean what you refer to in your world as pleasure or enjoyment. The soul faculty of joy is an expression of harmony in all levels of consciousness. When this takes place the functions and the faculties are in perfect balance, and the experience of the fulfillment of all good takes place on all levels of being.


Judgment — a bound decision—a vast difference from a free will or choice decision, for judgment demands and dictates what the effects of its bound decision or judgment shall be.


Judgment is very rigid. It won’t change without a lot of emotional trauma because it has the emotional body in it. It doesn’t have the light of reason or common sense. There is a difference between decision and judgment.


Justification is condition; condition is denial, and denial is death.


Justification is the defense of a personal desire made by a judgment.



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The key to wisdom is a quiet mind.


Kindness is a consideration of the whole person, not just the particular level that they are expressing at the moment. Ofttimes people are kind to us, and we mistake that kindness for a weakness in their character. We mistake that kindness because we ourselves are not expressing consideration of the whole. Our consideration, or what we know in this philosophy as Divine or God’s Love, is limited to a very small universe that we have created.


Knowledge is a total awareness on a mental level.


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Laughter is the life of the soul.


Laughter is the stream of God.


Lack of consideration is transgression of principle, the divine law, and man suffers or pays the price which is called an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.


Law of continuity is the repetition of a principle which establishes character, a soul faculty.


License is bondage because it is the child of desire.


License simply means to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want to do it, without any concern for the effect, or anyone else. And when we are in license, we are not considering our whole being. We are only considering a limited, momentary desire.

Life, the  expression of the Divine Principle, was not designed for struggle and strife, was not designed for conflict and turmoil, but is, in truth, a harmonious, beautiful flow of infinite, intelligent energy. [CC 156]


Listen — To listen is to be free from the throne or judgment called censorship. To listen is to be awake with the faculty of wisdom fully expressing. (See hearing)


Loan — A loan has the chains of thought connected to the gift. It has all the concern that the mind has to offer of what has been done with it.


Logic is an instrument of the mind, a sense function. Logic is based upon the accepted thoughts and experiences of man. Logic leads to bondage.


Loneliness is self-pity in poor disguise.


Lord means law, the law of the universe.


Love, in truth, is the Divine Intelligence called God.


Love is the reflection in another of the goodness in oneself.


Love has no barriers, it has no identification, it has no judgment, and it has no need.


Love — If we truly love, we do not bind or attach, for to attach is to limit.


Loyalty is a crown. It was never meant to be a cross.



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Madness is a mind without faith.


Medium — A medium is one through whom intelligences in another dimension are able to express themselves. You can be a medium to any level at any time, to the levels that you have merited, that you have grown to. Being a medium, psychic or clairvoyant does not reveal, necessarily, spirituality.


Meditation is a total surrender of the mental process that stands between you and your eternal being.


Mind — The mind in its expression is known as the functions of your being.



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Naivety is a demonstration of an unwillingness to accept, to communicate and to be reasonable. Man has chosen to forget distasteful experiences, and in so choosing he has established the law of their return, and as he becomes aware of the return, he builds up in his consciousness what is known as defense not to view that which he has already judged from experience to be distasteful.


Naivety — To be naive is to protect and defend one’s own judgments.


Necessity is the mother of invention and the child of opportunity.


Need is the mother of greed.


Neglect — When we view what “needs” truly are, from a realm of reason and objectivity, we see that they are merely the effects of neglect. Whatever man neglects is destined to cry for attention and energy.


Neutrality is perfect balance. Perfect balance is harmony and perfect peace.


Neutrality is when the mind thinks no thought of yesterday, and projects no thought of tomorrow.



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Organization is power and the secret of that is obedience.



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Patience is the path of wisdom.


Law of Payment and Attainment means we pay for any type of spiritual awakening by giving up the obstructions in consciousness that stand before our eternal soul and the Divine Eternal Intelligence called God.


Peace is greater than understanding. Peace is greater than wisdom or any soul faculty, for peace is the source and the power itself.


Peace is harmony and power.


Peace is the Divine Neutrality. It is the perfect balance. And so when man experiences within himself peace, he is freed from all thought, all contradiction, all division. He is then truly aware of being an inseparable part of a united whole. He no longer acts because he no longer reacts, he just is and that is the home of the soul.


“People pleaser” — This need to please others, this need to be wanted, this need to be liked, is nothing more nor less than a distortion of the Divine awareness within us that we are in truth a part of everything, everywhere, at all times, that we have always been, and because we have always been, we will always be.


Perception. We can only perceive what we are receptive to, and so we find that our perception at any moment is governed and controlled by our willingness to accept or be receptive to. The ears in the physical anatomy are representative of perception and ego. It is the ego that determines for most of us most of the time what we will accept, which is contrary to the Divine Will, for the Divine Will is acceptance. The limitations are based not only on the patterns and the things that man has accepted when he was a child, but according to the things that he was willing and able to accept in the prior expression of life, meriting a form that would limit his soul in its perception and in its acceptance.


Personality is nothing more than the priority of our own self-judgment.


Personality — When man is expressing through personality, he is expressing partiality.


Law of Personal Responsibility is the ability to personally respond to your own experiences in the light of eternal reason.


Law of Personal Responsibility — means that you and you alone as an eternal soul are responsible to God. You are not responsible to man, you are responsible to God. God knows our thoughts before we think them, and that responsibility is very clear. When you experience things that are distasteful to you, remember it was your choice. God simply sustains that choice. It is His Love and His will of Total Consideration and Total Acceptance, but you alone have made the choice and you alone can accept something better.


Plane is a graduation in a particular sphere. It is a state of consciousness. There are nine spheres and nine planes to each sphere.


Plane of Ozone is a belt of gaseous substance that encompasses the earth realm. This plane is a plane of expression prior to the soul’s incarnation into physical form. Each planet where life is expressed has a belt or plane surrounding it through which the soul must pass before entering the physical body of that particular planet. When the soul expresses through this particular belt or plane, which is an etheric plane, at that time it sees all of the experiences which are to take place on that planet and through the particular form that it is being encased, and this is how certain people have an inner knowing and an inner drive to do certain things at certain times.


Poise is the humble expression of will in the perfect harmony of reason.


Prayer is the application of bowing the self-will to the Divine Will.


Prayer is the soul’s aspiration to the Oversoul.


Prayer. We so misunderstand the word prayer because we have judged in our minds what it really is. But if we will pause more often in our activities, and we will really make the effort of constant prayer, which is a recognition, an acceptance that the Intelligence that sustains all or your thoughts—that that Intelligence—knows the right way for you.


Prejudice. To be prejudiced simply means to prejudge any experience in life or one yet to happen. As we prejudge how our lives are going to be, we establish for ourselves the law of denial. It is our denials that make our destinies in life. And so we find ourselves destined to a constant repetition of certain experiences that we have judged are distasteful and not pleasing to us. We can never change those experiences until we first accept the law of personal responsibility.


Presumption is the effect of judgment.


Presumption is the lazy man’s level of acceptance, lazy because no effort is made to become aware of what level of acceptance that we are expressing.


Presumption is the law of descent.


Pride is a function that denies the true eternal source.


Pride is an expensive luxury that a wise man cannot afford.


Pride is punishment.

            Humility is harmony.


Pride is the glory of self-reliance and the throne of eternal judgment.


Principle. There is a vast difference between rule and principle. Principle has total consideration of all the various levels of consciousness.


Principle — If you have something to do for someone and you are truly willing, ready and able to fulfill the need of an individual that you know, and you are truly ready, willing and able to fulfill the same need of another individual under similar circumstances, or twenty individuals, then you are on the path of principle. Are you willing to help a person that comes to you in need of help, or are you willing to only help those that you decide it would be advisable to help? One will put you into personality, and the other will guide you on through principle.


Procrastination is the theft of all time, but it is greater than a thief. It is the device and devious ways and mechanisms of your own self-will, controlled by the fascinations of your own mind.


Law of Progression is the law of constant change.


Promise is the fulfillment of God’s law; commitment is the identity of man’s law, so that that we identify with we are bound by, in keeping with the law of bondage known as self-will.


Punishment is a lack of accepting something greater.


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Reality is experience, and a conscious acceptance thereof is known as fact.


Reality is simply a conscious awareness of passing events.

Reality is simply your entertainment of a dream.


Reason is a faculty of the soul. It has total consideration.


Reason is known as balance and balancing the mind is freedom of the soul.


Reason is the unobstructed flow of the Divine Intelligence known as Spirit expressing itself.


Reformer — A reformer has no tolerance for the struggle in others because there is no understanding within themselves, therefore, there is no growth.


Reformer — If you suppress a desire of your own, your mind will dictate that that same desire, whenever you see it expressed in another, must be suppressed. So a reformer goes out on a bandwagon to force everybody else to do what they forced themself to do.


Regret is the inability of any soul to forgive a level of consciousness—act or thought—that they have expressed.


Regrets are the errors of the past; worries, the conscience of the present.


Rejection is the servant of self-glory.


Reliance is the expression of self-will. To dictate the length of time that anything you experience or think you possess shall remain with you is to establish the law of reliance, and is, therefore, a guarantee of the experience that is known as loss.


Repentance. A person cannot have a feeling of contrition of an act or a thought that they have already expressed unless they review it. Many people repent or think that they do so that they feel better. That is to help free them from their guilt complex concerning any particular experience. Repentance is of no great value unless the individual truly makes an effort to make the necessary changes.


Repetition is the law through which change is made possible.


Resignation is a mental dual expression. When man says, “I resign myself to circumstances,” he declares a mental law—“I did what I could and now I resign myself.” That is definitely and positively not the expression of divine will.


Rhythm is repeating the same goals time after time, day after day, until finally they have been reached. Rhythm is the law governing wealth.


Rule or regulation is an effort to bring about harmony in anything through an authoritative action.

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Sadness — sadness and joy, being the opposite of the same pole, are not different to us until we make them so by our own judgment. It is only when we make the judgment how a desire is to be fulfilled that we experience what is known as sadness.


Saneness is the awareness that life is a dream. Madness is the illusion that it is a reality. And so, survival is the miracle of life.


Self is the combination of all of the patterns, attitudes of mind, desires, experiences, that we have so far had in evolution.


Self is the image of limitation.


Self — The moment that we identify with any particular thought, “self” is born. It is the process of identifying that limits our consciousness and shrinks our world into a very limited struggling and suffering experience.


Self-awareness is limited acceptance, commonly known as personality.


Self-concern is a reliance upon yesterday’s experiences accepted in consciousness, and that reliance upon yesterday is a total denial of today.


Self-concern is the epitome of the ego brain mechanism declaring and insisting upon its superiority of reign to dictate to God how things shall be.


Self-control — to control ourselves from the tapes in our mind that bring us disturbance and rob us from what is known as peace, serenity and freedom.


Self-control is a conscious choice of all experience. 


Self-control is a conscious choice of all your experiences. Freedom is the effect of self-control.


Self-pity is an effect which reveals the transgression of man’s will over the Divine Law of Total Consideration.


Self-will is controlled and governed by the accepted experiences of our past.


Self-will is the will of man and is the direct effect of the limited acceptances and rejections of his own mind.


Sense functions are the functions of the physical and mental. They create the physical and mental bodies.


Sin in truth is but the error of ignorance.


Silence is God's revelation of truth.


Sleep of Satisfaction—is simply the unwillingness to change. Our unwillingness to change our attitudes and our thoughts is dependent upon how much love of self we are in.


Solar plexus is the part of the anatomy which is the center, the nuclei, the sun or the solar of our universe. It is also the psychic seat or psychic center. It is where all the nerves of the body—all transmissions—are centered.


Soul — The soul in its expression is known as the faculties of your being.


Soul faculties are the attributes of the soul. Their expression is what creates, out of the Divine Essence, known as Spirit, the spiritual body.


Soul talents are the lessons that we passed, and passed very well, in prior expressions.


Spirit of spontaneity is an expression of our divine free spirit expressing through form.


Spiritual psychology is an acceptance in the mind of an intelligence beyond that, that supersedes the limited mental intelligence of the human mind. It is the introducing, into the limited mind, demonstrable laws that once having been accepted by the mind will become the very instruments used by the mind to free itself from its own limitation.


Spiritual unfoldment means to free your spirit from the bondage of the experiences that have been accepted that are dictating our life at this very moment. It means to free your own divinity by accepting the truth of its freedom in the first place.


Struggles -The effects of limited expression of the divine intelligent energy.


Suffering is no more or less than the effect of Divine natural laws that have been or are being transgressed.


Sympathy is a sense function guided and controlled by self-interest.



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Tears are nothing more than the tapes of the subconscious bowing to the soul.


The caution of reason is the joy of understanding and the wisdom of consideration.


The conscience of wisdom is the love of understanding.


The destiny of desire is the denial of God.


The fountain of youth is a controlled mind.


The freedom of strength is the direction of will.


The mothers of men are the character of life.


The offering of life is the revelation of our level of consciousness.


The principle of happiness is the willingness to change.


The principle of life or essence of dreaming is imagination, the door through which the soul passes through creation.


The reflection of knowledge is ego.


The “thought of I” is the throne of judgment that stands between the eternal soul and God.


Thought of I is a mental identification with form. It is the thought of I that has want and need. It is the thought of I that experiences the effect of the denial of the oneness of life itself. And in the denial, denies itself.


Time is the temptress of impatience.


Total Acceptance is Divine Will.


Total Consideration is Divine Love.


Time-pressure is a hailstorm of petty desires demanding their own gratification.


Tranquility is the absence of fascination and the fulfillment of the soul.


Transformation is the miracle of acceptance.


Truth is the spirit of life itself. Truth needs no defense for truth is not creation. Truth is not form; it is beyond change. You cannot evolve truth. You can only evolve your acceptance of it. Truth is timeless and changeless.


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Uneducated ego is that part of the subconscious mind that depends upon the limited acceptances, rejections and experiences of yesterday projected into the eternal moment, censoring the Infinite Eternal Spirit of Consciousness that is trying to flow up through us, based upon the hopes and fears of yesterday.


Universal consciousness means a conscious awareness of the universe and all therein. It is not the totality of consciousness, but is limited by the universe of which one is experiencing their so-called reality.


Universal consciousness-- the state in which we become fully aware that we are in truth a part of everything -- inseparable -- a united whole. You are no longer concerned about what you thought you were concerned about because you are no longer limited in your identity. That's when we free ourselves from the great wars within.


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Victory is the destiny of determination.


Visualization is a process of the mind in which a thought is accepted, and therefore, created into an image.


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Wisdom. Man understands many things. It is when the understanding is brought into application or use that wisdom is born, for understanding without expression or use has no true value.

Work is love made manifest.


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Yellow is the color of Divine Wisdom and illumination. It is the color of the pineal gland.


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