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The Serenity Association is part of a well established religious tradition, called Spiritualism, which is the science (knowing through demonstration), philosophy (love of knowledge and learning), and religion (reverence to live as purely and truly as we know how) of continuous life.  Many fine organizations and churches serve this beautiful religion.  The following teachings represent the key aspects of Serenity's understanding of Spiritualism, which are followed by a number of spiritual teachings from the Living Light Philosophy.


It teaches personal responsibility.


It demonstrates that death is not the end of life but a change of condition of the individual consciousness.  It removes all fear of death, which is but a door to the loving spirit world.


It teaches that man is spirit and has a body and mind with which to work for his soul's purpose of gaining understanding here on earth.  It teaches that man's spirit is the spark of Divinity which dwells in all living things.


It brings to the surface man's spiritual talents, such as inspiration, intuition, clairvoyance, and healing powers.


It teaches that every spirit will progress through the ages to an unfoldment, sublime and glorious.  It teaches us to be patient with ourselves and the world that is around us, for the earth is young in experience and the cycles of its development are far from complete.  Patience is the greatest wisdom.  The spiritual life must be learned and earned.


It teaches that God is not one individual but all individuals. This Divine Intelligence is expressing through every form of life on the earth and in the etheric realms as well.  We are individualizing within the God-consciousness which supplies generative power for the universe. This great play of life is unfolding so that the whole can know itself.




 Spiritual Teachings from the Living Light Philosophy


“The true purpose of Spiritualism is to help us awaken to the great truth that we and we alone are responsible for all our thoughts, acts, and deeds.” [from CL 18]




This Association presents Spiritualism ever in accord with its own understanding. And that is the great blessing of the philosophy, the religion, and the science of Spiritualism. It recognizes and it accepts that each individual has a divine right to their level of awareness, to their expression at any given moment. And so it is that you will find in the movement of Spiritualism indeed a wide variety of thought and of understanding. But there is a common ground upon which we all stand and that common ground is very simple: to respect and grant the right to investigate spiritual matters as we spend so much time investigating mundane matters.” [from CL 20]




“Spiritualism is a science: the science of communication for the sole purpose of demonstrating the laws that govern the universe, explaining them and teaching them as a living demonstration, and therefore it is a philosophy. When the science of Spiritualism is in harmonious balance with the philosophy of Spiritualism, then you have touched the light of its religion." [from CC 71]




“Spiritualism strives to get humanity to think for themselves. It offers no dogma and it offers no creed. It has no book of authority, but it has the divine authority within each and every human being.” [from CL 2]



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“So many times people newly exposed to the philosophy, science, and religion of Spiritualism seem to misunderstand its true purpose. My friends, its purpose is not to serve as fortune-tellers for a material world; its purpose is not to glorify the so-called egos of the unfolding mediums; its purpose is not to solve all of your problems that so many seem to desire to continue to create. That is not the purpose, to my understanding, of genuine mediumship. The purpose of mediumship is to reveal, is to reveal the cause of the experiences that you are experiencing, to help you to see that there is a better way to live in life, that there is a purpose to the moment in which your soul is expressing. There are many avenues through which those who have left this realm will strive and try to help you to change your thinking. For in changing your thinking, my good friends, you indeed will change your life for the better. " [from CL 34]




"The purpose of spirit communication, to my understanding, is to bring to the world the demonstrable truth that man, in the light of reason, may choose wisely the laws that he sets into motion, that in so doing he may awaken: by stilling his mind he may awaken his own soul that the truth, which is individually perceived, will light his path in eternity." [from CC 203]




“And our purpose in Spiritualism is not to convert the masses to any dogma or creed. We are not concerned with numbers and building cathedrals of this world. Our interest is in building cathedrals of the soul and that is built through our own consciousness. The greatest temple that man will ever know is not made of stone and mortar. It is made of a mind of peace. There, man has freedom. There, man will see the light of eternal truth.”[from SC 3]




“The purpose of mediumship is not to solve your love affairs. It is not to know when the stock market is going to make you the most money. It is not to get you a job in this mundane world. It is to help to see that life, in truth, is eternal. That what you do here and now, what you think about, what you feel, and what you desire have a direct effect upon whether or not you're going to rise to realms of the spiritual world of light and understanding or whether or not you're going to remain in the lower levels of consciousness, known as the lower astral world.

Remember, friends, communication with these dimensions is a very serious business. It is indeed the spirit of joy, but we are the instruments through which those souls of the departed are striving to help humanity. Its purpose, my friends, is not to entertain our senses. Its purpose is to serve God, to help man to see the light within himself. ”[from CC 54]

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 “Spiritualism uses the public demonstration of spiritual communication for the sole purpose of interesting people who are seeking something greater than the material world that we are in. The purpose of the science of Spiritualism is to show mankind that he is affected and controlled by laws and things that he cannot see with his physical vision, that he cannot hear with his physical ears. My good friends, if you are truly interested, you will demonstrate the law unto yourself. You will find what it's really all about. You will not be satisfied with the surface of things. You will have the wisdom of patience, perseverance, the determination to look and think more deeply.” [from CL 21]




“Mediumship and Spiritualism are not concerned with your so-called tomorrows. It is concerned, my friends, with your today. For we know if you truly apply the philosophy of Spiritualism, if you make the effort to apply it, you will transform your life, for you will have transformed your thinking. We teach in this understanding that all experiences are the direct effect of a level of consciousness or an attitude of mind of each and every individual. My friends, that teaching must be repeated endlessly, for it is the repetition of error that has placed us where we are today. And so through the same Law of Repetition do we make a slight change in our thinking.” [from CL 34]




“What pulls the people to Spiritualism? What is the Light? What is the magnet that attracts them out of the atmosphere to Spiritualism? It is the science of Spiritualism. Without the science, we would not have the philosophy, for the philosophy came to Spiritualism through its science.” [from CC 5]




“To me, Spiritualism is a religion of practicality, common sense, down-to-earth, and reason, here and now. We’re not just interested in all those eternal hereafters: we’re interested in what we can do this moment.” [from CC 15]

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